Classic Nordic cardamom buns

This Christmas our chefs are sharing their top tips with you. If you're in the mood for something sweet, check out Aster's Executive Chef, Helena Puolakka's recipe for classic Nordic cardamom buns...

Cardamom buns

Makes 24-36, depending on size
400ml whole milk
50g fresh yeast
550g flour
1 egg
2tsp salt
180g sugar
4tsp crushed cardamom seeds
150g melted butter
For filling
75g butter (room temperature)
5tbsp sugar
2 tsp cinnamon OR 1tsp cardamom

1) Warm the milk to 40°C before adding the yeast, mix together until it has dissolved.
2) Add the flour, mix thoroughly and leave in a warm place to prove for 20 minutes.
3) Add the egg, salt, sugar and cardamom and butter and knead for a good 5-10 minutes.
4) Allow to prove for a further 30 minutes
5) Roll out the dough to a thickness of around 5mm and fill with the butter, sugar and either the cardamom or cinnamon and roll into buns.
6) Allow to prove again for 20 mins then brush with egg wash
7) Cook in 210°C approx. 15 minutes