At a loose end when it comes to the weekend ahead? We’ve got you covered with our top five things to do in the city…

1. Friday night at 100 Wardour St


Friday nights in town can be difficult – how many times have you trekked into Central London after work, only to be offended by £13 Soho cocktails and rubbish live music? Enter 100 Wardour St: their fab ‘Soho Six’ menu kicks off from 5-7pm, providing the perfect after-work drinks at only SIX QUID each. Yep, you read that right. Stick around for tapas in the Lounge (do not miss the fried baby squid) and then hit the dance floor in the Club with live music from MKM Presents. Friday night? Sorted.

2. London Games Festival


The gaming industry has come an awfully long way from the years of giant plastic cartridges and Nintendo 64s. This weekend, the London Games Festival will showcase ‘the peculiar, the beautiful, the deeply experimental’ side of gaming, with interactive events designed to change your perception of the entertainment sector. From Somerset House to Southbank and Trafalgar Square to Tobacco Dock, the festival also has a serious side for those working in the industry, with talks, investor sessions and VIP events for gaming professionals.

3. Spring cocktails at Skylon


According to the BBC weather report (ever so reliable), we might actually be in for some sun this weekend! Dust off your trainers and go be a tourist in your own city, starting with a walk along the Thames on the Southbank. When you’re sick of dodging tour groups and street performers, head up to Skylon for a well-deserved cocktail from their new Spring menu. With edible flower garnishes and bright blue skies in the background, your Instagram account will thank you.

4. Q-Brunch on Sundays

Paul Winch-Furness / Photographer

If you haven’t been to a Quaglino’s Q-Brunch before, you are most certainly missing out. Previously a Saturday morning affair, this weekend marks the welcome addition of Sundays to the calendar. There’s a reason why it’s been heralded as London’s most glamorous brunch party – everything from the golden staircase to the plush banquettes and glittering stage screams decadence. And let’s not forget the food… scrambled eggs with truffles, or maybe hand-chopped beef tartare? A definite improvement on your usual Sunday morning Cornflakes. Add bottomless Prosecco for a mere fifteen quid and you’re laughing.

5. ‘Sex In London’ Guided Walk

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This guided tour explores places in Central London associated with the deed itself and promises a fair bit of inappropriate banter along the way. Prepare to snigger immaturely at phallic monuments, but as the event description warns, there certainly won’t be any practical demonstrations of the subject matter… Meeting outside Westminster Station, the 3-4 mile tour only costs a quid and ends in a pub near Warren Street Station. Either way, it’ll provide some fab anecdotes for the next time your mates are in town.