Happy birthday HM!

Although the Queen’s birthday was technically back in April, 11th June is the date of this year's Trooping the Colour AKA the official annual celebration of the Queen's birthday.

The Queen is apparently a creature of habit with her booze choices, reportedly knocking back a glass of gin mixed with a fortified wine called Dubonnet every day before lunch. During the meal she’ll have a couple of wines, and then a glass or two of champagne in the evening. Pretty impressive for a 90 year old, no? (And also technically a binge drinker by government standards, but we won’t go there…)

In honour of Her Majesty’s 90th birthday, our restaurants have come up with some seriously royal options to give her a proper cheers:

G & Tea at Blueprint Cafe

There’s nothing more British than a good cuppa, and Blueprint Café is toasting the Queen with a Tea & G cocktail, served in a teapot with a side of marmalade.

Earl Grey Fizz at Le Pont de la Tour

Le Pont de la Tour is in on the tea-themed action too with their ‘Earl Grey Fizz’ – Zubrowka Vodka, Eary Grey tea and lemon juice, topped up with Champagne AR Lenoble.

The Pimm's Royale at Almeida

In terms of British booze, the old Pimm's cup is definitely the ultimate English summer drink. Almeida's bar team have created a fruity little number, 'The Pimm’s Royale', using all the Queen's favourite ingredients.

Queen Elizabeth st Skylon

Known for adventurous cocktails, Skylon’s talented bartenders have come up with the aptly named ‘Queen Elizabeth’ cocktail, served with fresh strawberries and cream.

You can also get the royal treatment with the ‘Queen of the Hebrides’ cocktail at Threadneedle Bar. For the adventurous DIY bartenders, try it yourself at home:
40ml gin
15ml elderflower syrup
5ml lemon juice
Sprig of rosemary
Top up with champagne foam
Shake ingredients together and serve in a coupe glass. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary.

Royal Exchange

And for those tee-totalling, you can toast the queen at the Royal Exchange with a frothy cappuccino, garnished with a portrait of HM herself!