International Women’s Day 2017

This year we're marking International Women's day on Wednesday 8th March with a series of events in collaboration with the inspirational ladies behind Step Up Club, Alice Olins and Phanella Mayall Fine. Alice and Phanella are the fresh, new voice for women and through their stylish but instructional events, and recently published book ‘Step Up: Confidence, Success and Your Stellar Career in 10 Minutes a Day’, Alice and Phanella are changing - and improving - the future for professional women.

Alice & Phanella, Step Up Club

So on the big day they will be hosting a trio of special events across the capital helping to do just that!

9.30am: #YESYOUCAN brunch at German Gymnasium with special guest Clemmie Telford

Clemmie Telford

This brunch is all about celebrating the newest breed of modern working mums – the ones who are getting the job done their way. Between Clemmie, Alice and Phanella they have 7 children, 6 jobs, a handful of throbbing social media accounts and a published book. They aren’t trying to Have It All – heaven forbid – they are saying that today, #YESYOUCAN and they want to show you how.

Listen to an inspiring talk and feast on a traditional Mittel-European breakfast – a selection of pastries, muffins, croissants, cold cuts and cheese as well as fresh fruit and muesl with freshly made juices teas and coffees and an inspiring talk – there will be no better way to kick of IWD 2017!

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12.30pm: #EATWELLWORKWELL Lunch at 100 Wardour St with special guest Melissa Hemsley

Melissa Hemsley

Why are we breaking in the middle of the day at the glorious underground eaterie at 100 Wardour Street? To remind women that breaks and balance matter. And who better to explore modern working patterns, with Step Up Club than the brilliant Melissa Hemsley?

#EATWELLWORKWELL is the simple act of not sitting at your desk: it’s getting out, it’s eating well, it’s making time for personal space, thinking and good food in the middle of the day. Guests will enjoy a delicious banquet and a chat from one of the most influential women in food. 

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3.30pm #Nordic Tea at Aster, with a chef panel discussion

Helena Puolakka

To round-off the day, join us at Aster in the heart of Victoria. Guests will be invited to a traditional Nordic Afternoon Tea with freshly baked pastries, Cinnamon Buns and itsfamous Smorgasbord’s.

The final part of the series will see three female chefs discuss their passion for food, what it means to be a woman in a high pressure environment: Executive Chef at Aster, Helena Puolakka, Skylon's Executive Chef Kim Woodward and The Modern Pantry's brilliant Anna Hansen have achieved their goals as female chefs in the industry and will be discussing how they rose to the top, stamina in the kitchen and how they relax after a long day.

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